Online dating for
teenagers and young
adults seems a
relatively simple pursuit
requiring little more
than an exchange of
photographs and a
passing reference to
some common
interests. And that's it,
the match is made,
although it might not
last more than a few
days! But for the older
and more experienced
adult, dating is usually a
more complex issue, in
which both the man and
the woman will expect
more from their
potential partner.
So why not give
yourself a head start
and make your profile
that much more
interesting. Being able
to play a musical
instrument, particularly
an unusual musical
instrument, will not only
make your profile stand
out from the herd but
will also arouse much
interest and curiosity.
At the very least it will
get you a few dates
quite quickly, but in
many cases you will
soon find that you have
become a veritable
magnet to the opposite
Let's take a look at the
next four unusual
musical instruments
you might consider
adding to your online
dating armory. They
range from the most
ancient to the most
modern, so there is
sure to be one to appeal
to every musical taste.
LightHarp. The
LightHarp uses lasers,
spotlights and light
sensors to trace virtual
strings through space
for performers to play. I
believe something
similar was used by Mr
Spok to charm the
heart of many an
interstellar traveler. The
instrument does not
produce sound itself,
rather it controls
computers and
The current version of
the LightHarp has been
designed in leather by
the famous leather
artist, Garry Greenwood.
The LightHarp is also
the World's first Indian
computer music
instrument and
resembles a veena in
shape and design. It has
a total of 32 light-
sensor virtual strings,
each of which play
either individual notes,
music samples or act as
frets on a string. But
although designed for
playing Indian music,
the LightHarp is also
capable of performing
dense polyphonic
textures with micro-
tonal tunings.
Nano Guitar. Now
here's an instrument
guaranteed to please
the technology-minded
lady, and it comes in
one convenient pocket-
sized package. Keep one
by you at all times. You
never know when it
might come in handy!
The smallest guitar in
the world, the Nano
Guitar is only 10 micro-
meters in length --
about the size of a
single cell -- with six
strings each about 50
nanometers, or 100
atoms, wide. The
original Nano Guitar was
made to resemble a
Fender Stratocaster.
The new, "playable"
version, actually about
five times the size of
the original, is modeled
on the Gibson Flying V.
The strings are actually
silicon bars, 150 by 200
nanometers in cross-
section and ranging
from 6 to 12
micrometers in length
(a nanometer is a
billionth of a meter, the
length of three silicon
atoms in a row. For
comparison, the
diameter of a human
hair is about 200
micrometers, or
200,000 nanometers).
They vibrate at
frequencies 17 octaves
higher than those of a
real guitar, so special
listening skills will be
Serpent. An
instrument with overt
sexual overtones and in
the right hands a lethal
weapon in your armory
to seduce your beloved.
Just don't overdo it, the
effects can be earth-
The Serpent is an
ancient musical wind
instrument, related to
the modern tuba,
invented by Canon Edmé
Guillaume in 1590 in
France, and was first
used to reinforce the
sound of church choirs.
It was made from
wood and blown with a
cup shaped mouthpiece.
Played softly, it has a
firm mellow tone. At
medium volume, it
produces a robust
sound -- something of a
cross between the
tuba, bassoon and
French horn. But when
played loudly, the
serpent can produce
seriously unpleasant
noises reminiscent of
large animals mating or
in distress.
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