Are you aware that
your mind is always
occupied with
thoughts? Are you
aware that thoughts
constantly demand your
attention, dictate your
behavior and reactions?
Do you sometimes feel
that your mind is going
to explode from
nonstop thinking? Can
you focus your
attention on what you
are doing at any
moment, or are you
constantly distracted
by all kinds of thoughts,
negative thinking or
negative expectations?
You need to learn to
overcome your nonstop
thinking in order to gain
control over your
Do you sometimes wish
your mind could just
stop thinking for a little
while, and let you enjoy
some rest and peace?
Like an engine, it has to
rest to avoid wear and
tear. It needs some
rest from time to time,
in order to recharge
itself and your body.
The mind often looks
like a cluttered room,
with no free space and
no place to move. When
you empty your room it
will look bigger and
tidier, and it will be
more pleasant to be
there. So it is with your
mind. Remove the
clutter - the
unnecessary thoughts,
the worries and the
fears, and your life
would look happier and
You are probably not
constantly aware of
the restlessness of
your mind, because this
became a habit and you
got accustomed to it,
yet, thoughts keep
coming and going,
occupying your mind
every moment of the
day, spending up mental
and emotional energy,
and sometimes making
your head ache.
Tension, strain and
pressure at work and
at home make the mind
even more restless, and
attract more thoughts
into it. Problems,
difficulties, fears,
worries and hurt
feelings increase even
more the mental
restlessness and lack
of inner peace, making
you more acutely aware
of the swarm of
thoughts coming into
your mind and making
you feel helpless. It is
during such times that
you desperately feel
the need for inner peace
and freedom endless
When you need to focus
your attention, study or
meditate, you are again
confronted with
thoughts that swarm
into your mind,
disturbing and
distracting your
attention. This also
happens when you are
worried, angry or
emotionally excited. You
feel unable to stop the
flow of thoughts and
emotions that prevent
clear thinking, calmness
or self-control.
During such times you
just want to scream at
the mind to stop
thinking. You feel that
your mind has broken
any control and barriers,
and that it is working
on its own, sometimes
to your detriment. It is
like being helpless in a
rudderless boat in the
midst of the ocean, and
all you want is some
steady and safe land.
It is in times of worry,
stress, fear and strain
that inner peace of
mind is greatly desired
and appreciated.
Actually, inner peace
and freedom from
restless and incessant
thinking is a great boon
anytime and
everywhere. It makes
you happier, stronger,
more confident and
Imagine how it would
be to live your life,
work, interact with
people, read, watch TV,
travel or do anything
else, without thoughts
and worries claiming
your attention. Just
think how your
concentration would
become stronger and
your five senses
sharper! Just imagine
how your
awareness and intuition
will increase!
You need mental and
emotional training, in
order to overcome
nonstop thinking and
free yourself the
compulsion, and it is a
compulsion, to think
incessantly and
involuntary, and fill your
mind with thoughts
that weaken you and
distract your attention.
You also need to
develop some degree of
inner detachment and
mastery over your
There are no short cuts
to overcoming nonstop
thinking and lack of
inner peace. The aim is
not to stunt your mind
through hypnosis or
subliminal programming,
but to gain real inner
peace, which you can
enjoy while staying
active, pursuing your
goals, and while
handling more
efficiently and
peacefully your daily
affairs of life.
Everything worth having
requires work and
effort. You cannot
become a pilot, an
Olympic champion or an
engineer by listening to
a CD, hypnotizing
yourself or saying some
magic words.
Developing inner
abilities, such as calming
down your mind, is no
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