Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thing to consider before commiting to a man

How can you tell if he REALLY loves you? Is there a secret sign? Or maybe it's something he says? Or maybe it's how you FEEL when you are together? Or... maybe you can never really know, and instead you have to simply go with your gut and trust that it's all going to work out in the end the way you want it to? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how you can REALLY tell if he loves you, and the controversial (yet critically important) steps you can take to make SURE he does, before you settle down for the long haul.
Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!
Filed Under: The Straight Scoop on Relationship "Regret"
I'm going to give you a pretty scary statistic. Some studies suggest that about 60% of women who have been married for more than 10 years, when asked privately, admit that if they could choose again, they would NOT marry their current partner. Pretty scary, right? And this does NOT include of course the many millions of women who are actively divorcing their spouse... making the actual number of unhappy relationships FAR higher than this scary statistic would suggest.
And when you look away from "ordinary" people and at the news, you see the incredible amount of infidelity and cheating and betrayal by politicians, and celebrities and famous people of ALL types and stripes, it should be no surprise that so many of us have begun to question whether true love exists at all.
The GOOD news?
It does! You simply need to take a few extraordinary steps in the BEGINNING of a relationship to get "clear" that the person you are with is in fact the right one for you.
Here is the thing: (and I know this is controversial, and NOT everyone believes it)
- I believe that each of us comes into this world to be "re-united" with their one true love.
- I believe that each of us has a soulmate, or a spiritual partner and that this person is already known to each of us on a "soul" level.
- I believe that if we dive DEEPLY into our own intuition, we can uncover the truth about who that person is, and FIND that person before it's too late. (for us, and for them!)
- I also believe in the the "Karma of Connection", or the spiritual law that says that if we do everything possible to find our soulmate, the universe will conspire to help bring that person into our lives. (and if we ignore our intuition, it won't)
The KEY to finding out whether he truly loves you then, is FAR more powerful, and profound than simply asking the question and hoping for an answer that makes you feel good. It's about the AURA of amore, and the serious search for a spiritual connection that is so deep and profound and moving, that you won't settle for anything less (and unfortunately, far too many of us do)!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Proven techniques on how to last longer in Bed

Are you among the thousands of men out there looking for last longer in bed techniques? Are you afraid that you will never be able to totally please a woman and therefore you will end up single, without a sex partner? If you answered "Yes" to these two questions then this article will assist you. I am going to share with you two techniques to help you improve your sexual stamina.
But First You Must Understand The "Point Of No Return" Arousal Stage
There are four stages of arousal during sex but the stage you need to be concerned with for sake of the two techniques in this article is the "Point Of No Return" stage. This is the stage where you can no longer hold back. There is nothing you can do to stop the ejaculation. When you hit this stage it is game over. The secret to longer lasting sex is your ability to recognize when you are at the point "Just prior to" the "Point of no return" so you can stop and lower your level of arousal.
2 Techniques To Improve Sexual Stamina
Technique #1: The Stop And Squeeze
This is a masturbation exercise that will require some time and some privacy. You start out masturbating and when you get to the point just prior to the "Point of no return" then you stoke stroking and you squeeze the 'Rim' of the head of the penis extremely hard with your first two fingers on the underneath side and your thumb on the topside. The purpose is to lower your arousal level. I can tell you that it will lower it very quickly.
Once you have lowered your arousal level, continue stroking again and repeat the "Squeeze" technique when you get just prior to the "Point of no return" again. Squeeze until the arousal level is lowered and repeat again. You can do this process as many times as you like but it is recommended that you do at least 4 to 5 repetitions.
Let Her Help You
If you want to involve your partner you could let her stroke the penis for you or perform oral sex. You do not want to use intercourse as this will make it too hard to control the arousal. When you feel yourself getting just prior to the "Point of no return" then stop her and let her be the one to "Squeeze" your penis rim. Make sure she squeezes firmly. The harder the squeeze the quicker the lowering of the arousal level. Again, repeat 4 to 5 repetitions before finally ejaculating.
Technique #2: The Shower Stop And Squeeze
The technique is the same. The only difference now is that we are going to simulate a vagina by using the hot water from the shower. Both the warmth and the moisture can be simulated here. This is one step above the regular "Stop and Squeeze" exercise because of the added moisture and warmth.
Make sure to complete 4 to 5 repetitions before ejaculating. Also try to focus on slow stroking and controlled breathing. By focusing on these two items it takes your mind off of the early ejaculation. However, pay close attention to your arousal level.
Like before, you can allow your partner to assist you. With this exercise it is okay to finish off by having intercourse in the shower. Just make sure your partner is aware that this is an exercise to help you last longer, not please her sexually. Also make sure you get sufficient repetitions in before the final ejaculation.
When it comes to last longer in bed techniques the above two are very worthwhile in assisting you to increase your lasting time. Invite your partner to help you but make sure she is aware that her involvement is to help you, not please her. Use these techniques often and in a short time you will see great results!
Get These 3 ~FREE~ Reports & Explode Your Lasting Time By 20 Minutes The First Night!
(1) Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control...
(2) Unstoppable Stamina - 7 Secrets Of The Porn Stars...
(3) Best Sex Ever - 69 Sensational Ideas To Make Sex Hotter...

Friday, August 5, 2011

How You can last long in bed with ur girl

Men Tips - How To Last Longer In Bed
Since the dawn of time, men have been searching for how to last longer in bed. You may think that the cures and advice on lasting longer that can be found these days that explains more on lasting longer and having more intense orgasms is recent, but this is not actually the case.
Exercises and health tips on lasting longer in bed are ancient techniques and have been around long before certain pills or supplements that are commercially available have been.
Steps To Lasting Longer In Bed For Men
There are several different techniques that you need to be able to master for lasting as long as you can in bed. Following these techniques and resources will help you to become a better lover, a more confident man and of course, you'll experience far more pleasure and more intense orgasms.
Step 1: Perform PC exercises
Performing PC exercises, also known as flexing the PC muscle, is an essential part of overcoming premature ejaculation. Good, strong PC muscles help you to resist ejaculation. They also help you to get harder erections. You are effectively killing two birds with one stone by flexing your PC muscle regularly.
This exercise can be performed by flexing the same muscles that you use to stop yourself from urinating (PC muscles) and by holding them for 5 seconds at a time. You can perform this exercise 10 times in a row and then stop. Perform this series of exercises 5 times a day if possible. You can do this anywhere you like: in the office, in the car, in meetings and so on.
Step 2: Deep breathing technique
The deep breathing technique is very important in controlling ejaculation. Men who know how to last longer in bed all use the breathing technique, whether they realise it or not. Short breaths, irregular breathing or forgetting to breathe properly all contribute to nervousness.
Instead of over-exciting yourself and forgetting how to breathe, concentrate on your breathing during intercourse instead. Feel your breath enter and leave your body and be conscious of it. Take deep breaths, raising your diaphragm and breathe out slowly.
After a while you will start to do this naturally. If you use the techniques as advised, you will be able to last as long as you like and with more pleasure for both of you.
Step 3: Visualizing and Improving Mental Confidence
Much of the nervousness that a man experiences when he does not know how to last longer is due to his mind not being calm. Many men, especially those who have historically had issues controlling and delaying ejaculation, will experience nervousness in their mind which causes their body to react accordingly.
If you are nervous on the inside, your body may well be nervous on the outside and you risk ejaculating too fast. There is a certain way to train your mind to be calm, positive and powerful when making love. You have to possess the knowledge and solid confidence in your mind that you'll be able to last for long.
Repeating to yourself that you will last for long and visualizing yourself lasting for longer while pleasuring your partner will help you to become a better lover. Knowing how to last longer is partly mental and partly physical. However, many experts conclude that it is more mental than physical.

4 things to consider when performing oral sex

Oral sex is as much fun as sexual intercourse itself. It is a good form of foreplay. It helps set the mood for both you and your partner, preparing you for the sensual ride ahead. To make the moment more enjoyable and satisfying, here are some simple things to be considered before oral sex is performed.
For safety's sake, make sure you both are safe. Make sure you don't have cuts and wounds in your privates, as well as in your mouth. It's better to practice caution than to do something hastily and have a lifetime of regret afterward. After all, prevention is better than the cure.
Next is about your hygiene. Both you and your partner should be squeaky clean. It would not hurt that you two shower together. It will make the experience a lot more intimate. You two can even start stroking and caressing each other in the shower. It will help make you feel more relaxed and at ease. But have self-restraint. You would not want to be finished even before the deed is done.
Third is about the location. It should be somewhere comfortable for the two of you. It can be on the couch, on the floor, or on the bed. It can be anywhere. It's up to you to if you would rather do it in less conventional venues. Just make sure the spot you will choose is safe. And most of all, choose a place where you would not be caught. Unless, of course, you prefer it to be that way.
And last but certainly not the least is the performance. You should lose your inhibitions and unleash the sexual beast in you. When performing oral sex, do not hesitate to please. Do not shy away from pleasing someone else. Touch your partner in the right places. Hold each other in the most intimate way. Be gentle when going down. But you can always be playful. Treat each other's genitals as if it's honey or a sweet lollipop; as if it's a treasure found. Make your partner moan in satisfaction. Don't stop until your partner reaches climax. And make sure your partner ask for more. Then when everything's done, you can start all over again. Or you can proceed to something more sensual and sexual.
So there you go. These are four simple things to contemplate upon before performing oral sex with your partner. Be sure to mind them so you'll have an unforgettable, most satisfying, most intimate experience. Performing such sexual acts should always be done safely and responsibly. Remember, if it's safe and responsible, then the fun will not only last for a minute. You can look back on it with no regrets and with a satisfied smile on your face.

How to make that your small male organ work well

Do you sometimes feel like you see your failures everywhere? On the train on the way to work, in newspapers, on TV, on billboards, even in the eyes of strangers?
Your objective mind tells you it's not real, of course, but your subconscious can't help being constantly reminded of your feelings of inadequacy downstairs.
Well, it's time to stop hiding and start doing.
I have also felt the shame and embarrassment of thinking I had a small penis. No matter how I performed in bed or how I looked in swimmers, I still nursed a niggling doubt that I could be better. And by 'better', of course I mean bigger, stronger, fitter, and longer lasting.
After several years of telling myself to stop being silly and to concentrate on the more important things in life, I finally fronted up to my doctor to talk about my feelings.
Do you know what he told me?
First, he said I had nothing to worry about, and that my penis was within a 'normal range'. Boring.
Second, he told me to see a shrink if I continued to have negative thoughts about my physical appearance. OK.
I accepted what he told me on both counts - I never thought my penis size was 'abnormal', only that I wished it was a little larger.
And the shrink? Well, I have no problem at all with counselors or psychology, but as the issue wasn't impacting on my everyday life apart from the odd niggling thought, I didn't think it was all that necessary.
But it DID get me thinking... what are some ways I can take control of my penis size and my feelings towards it? Turn a negative into a positive, and all that jazz?
After a few months of research and talking to other experts about it, here's a list of helpful hints I came up with that might help you in the same way as they helped me... both on a physical and an emotional level.
Because life's too short to be worrying about a little dick.
Helpful hints to ditching your penis hate:
* Tell yourself good things sometimes come in small packages. And believe it.
* When those feelings of inadequacy start creeping in, notice that they're there, but don't judge them. So, your penis is smaller than the next guy's... That's OK. (And he might not be satisfied with his either!)
* Take note of what untested 'stories' your mind tells you about penis size... for instance, the old myth that 'bigger is better'. Says who? Not everyone!
* Get to know your penis better. No matter how big it is, it's here to stay, so you may as well get to like each other. Simple exercises like jelqing and stretching movements can help with your bonding!
* Masturbate. Yes, I went there. Don't ask questions, just do it! It's good for you!
* Tell yourself that age is irrelevant... and realise that it is! None of us stay 21 years old anymore, but plenty of men have a good relationship with their penis well into old age.
* Next time you are reminded of your feelings of inadequacy or dissatisfaction by a newspaper advertisement or passing comment at work, try to laugh instead of cry inside. Remind yourself that you're taking healthy steps to improve your penis health simply by reading this article and practising better emotional responses!
* Remember that everyone has parts of their body that they're not happy with. Commit to trying to change it, or just move on.
* Stop living in the past. Forget whatever awful or embarrassing penis-related things that might have happened with old girlfriends, boyfriends, or in those sweaty meat-fests they call gym change rooms. It happens. It's over. Look forward to moving onwards and upwards.
* Don't get sucked into bogus medical scams that tell you miracle herbal pills or magic potions will change the size of your penis for three easy payments. They won't.
* If you MUST try one of the millions of systems out there that claim to enhance your manhood, keep your head on straight when choosing one! Look for something that's natural, backed by medical professionals, and offers a money-back guarantee.
* Realise that surgery is scary and won't give you the results you're looking for. All it will do is pay for your anesthetist's next skiing holiday. Save it for yourself!
* Lose the shame. Life is way too short to have your mind in your pants forever... unless it's in a fun way.

How to recover your man from pornography addiction

The question comes up often-sadly, more often than the question, "How do I break my own porn addiction?" The simple fact is, it's a lot easier to help someone who wants to be helped. If your husband is addicted and unwilling to admit it, then your chances of helping him are pretty small. If he wants help, on the other hand, your chances (and the support you can give him) jump drastically. So let's go through a couple of different scenarios.
Scenario 1: In the first one, a man is hopelessly addicted but refuses to admit it or seek help. The wife, in this case, doesn't have a whole lot of recourse.
The first question to tackle is whether or not to separate. I know women who have done it, and I know women who have had this work. But it doesn't always work. In fact sometimes it makes the problem worse. It could literally tear the family in half without hope of ever mending it again. The whole question of separation because of a porn addiction is something that simply cannot be answered here. It will take a lot of prayer and openness to consider it properly.
As for staying together-you should set some strict rules regarding the media that enters your home. He might not be willing to admit that pornography is wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to enable him. Nothing should come into the house-not even R rated movies that contain nudity. You yourself should also refrain from watching shows that are going to tempt him more. Even something as innocent as figure skating. And any printed pornography should be trashed.
You also have a right to refuse intimacy if your husband looks at pornography. And even more so if he refuses to stop. You can't control his actions, but you can control your own body and demand respect in your marriage.
Scenario 2: If your husband acknowledges he has a problem, but can't seem to break from it, your approach will be a little different. In this case, he's not refusing to quit, he's just failing.
Support goes a long way with addiction... but so does accountability. I know one couple who agreed to a period of abstinence every time the husband fell. 30 days the first time, 60 days the next time, and so on. This might seem to contradict some common beliefs. Many men will claim that if their wives would only give more in the bedroom, then they'd be less tempted by pornography. Nothing is further from the truth. A man must learn to master his passions, and only then can he break from the chains of vice. Especially when it comes to lust.
At the same time, a man and a wife should come together on a fairly regular basis. It is part of marriage. And it does, to a degree, lessen a man's sex drive. Every 2-3 days, a man's body becomes full of certain hormones-thus giving him more drive. A release will come naturally during the night (wet dreams), so it's not like he physically needs sex. But having sex will stifle the natural drive more than a wet dream will.
You should also urge your husband to join a support group-one with other men. Yes, you can hold him accountable. Yes, you can be supportive. But you will never be able to give him the fellowship he needs. That's something that can only come from other men. And it needs to be there if he's going to succeed. Get him to the meetings, and don't ever give him an excuse to skip a night. Often, it will be easier if he doesn't go. He can help with the kids or finish a project. But skipping that one night is always a doorway to skip another night... and another and another. Pretty soon, he's back in his old habits again. Even if he seems to be better and hasn't had a relapse in a while, make sure he goes every week.
As with the first scenario, make sure you have a clean home. Throw away anything that might tempt him. Do not let any pornography come through your door. If there's a problem with the internet, make sure all of your computers are in a well-traveled area, where everyone can see what's on the monitor. If that doesn't help, it might be time to get rid of the internet.
Scenario 3: You think your husband is doing well, but you suspect he's fallen and not told you about it.
This is tough, because a man can only overcome such an addiction if he's honest about it. Dishonesty puts his behavior in darkness, and it worsens there-growing and escalating.
The best way to handle it is to be upfront and tell him exactly how you are feeling. Tell him what you are worried about and why it worries you. But give him an open door to walk through. Encourage openness and honesty. Give him the chance to confess to you without being afraid of your wrath.
All in all, there's no real way to end your husband's addiction to pornography. He must deal with the problem and end it himself. You can only be there for him and try to guide him throughout the process.

How to overcome stress during pregnancy period

Stress can be very harmful during pregnancy, though cannot be totally avoided in everyday life. As a pregnant woman high stress level can be major problem that affects every area of your life,which will in turn affect the growth anddevelopment of your unborn baby. You may be worrying what yourlabor would be like, how you will handle the pain, how your partner will cope and all the rest. Knowing the causes of your stressful feeling is powerful information, which means you can take action to make it less intense.
Negative Effects of Stress During Pregnancy
There are many negative side effects of stress during pregnancy. Studies show that high levels of stress can result tochronic anxiety, increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and also contribute to an increased risk of premature delivery or low birth weight babies. Remember that just as what you eat affects your unborn baby, so too does your high stress level and your emotional health. It is important that you minimize your stress and anxiety during pregnancy for the betterment of your baby's growth and development.
Here are 5 simple ways to get you started in managing stress during pregnancy. You can even adopt many of these ways after pregnancy to ensure your stress level remains manageable.
1. Share your feelings
The idea that ''no manis an Island'' is so true,if you talk less about your stressful situations the stress will build up and can cause devastating health problems duringyour pregnancy period. By sharing your own feeling with your partner, mother, sister, friend or your doctor to get the rightadvice and support is agreat way of dealing with stress. When youtalk about your fears and concern with the people who care much about you, it will help you get reassured andfeel more confident.
2. Eat well
A healthy diet which includes vitamins and minerals can help keepstress under control by suppressing stress hormones. You should eat food rich in vitaminB, whole grain bread, oats, wheat germ, lean meat, nuts, fruitsand vegetables etc. Having a well balanced diet during pregnancy is good for your healthand for the normal growth and development of your baby and also helps to store up energy and rule out stress.
3. Take proper rest
One of the most common reasons for stressful behaviors and feelings is as a result of lack of sleep. You should follow a definite sleeping pattern to get a proper amount of sleep, so that your body will have time to recover from the day activities and enable you to feel better. Don't wait until you get too much exhausted before you go to sleep.
4. Exercise regularly
Safe pregnancy exercise is a great way to release stressful feelings while making you look and feel better. If you don't have a special hobby that interests you find one. You will reduce stress when you take your minds off your everyday activities and responsibilities. A hobby could be writing journals, painting, reading funny stories etc or you can as well practice daily 10-15 minutes walk in the fresh air.
5. Relaxation
Staying fit during pregnancy is very important; relaxation is a natural stress reduction technique and should be a daily routine. You should notonly focus on your responsibilities, try to relax and think logicallyabout whatsoever situation you are facing. If something does happen to go wrong, look at it as a learning experience so it won't happen again.
Having fun and laughter is one of the body's best ways of relaxing, watch a funny movies with your partner or go to the cinema.
As you can see it's notimpossible to manage stress, all you should know is that stress is everyday issue and will not be away anytime soon, therefore knowing how to manage your stress will make greatchanges to your healthand lifestyle. By so doing, you will have a healthier pregnancy.

The best Bra tips for women with sagging breasts

Sagging breasts can be a very real issue formany women. Unfortunately it is an issue that affects many women. Usually women with cup sizesof C cup or bigger are more affected over time. So what are the best solutions for sagging breasts?
One of the best solutions for sagging breasts is the bra. Theright bra can instantly transform the look, shape and size of yourcleavage. There are numerous factors to look at and review, to ensure that you achieve the desired outcome.
Unfortunately most women are wearing an ill fitted poorly designed bra. Recent studies have shown that up to 70% of women are wearing a bra that is the wrong size. Staggering as this fact is, it is the truth. The biggest piece of advice that can be offered is that before you consider buying a bra, get yourself measured professionally. Getting measured is free; most large department stores will offer free measuring service, so you should make the most of it.
Once you have been professionally measured, the next step is to look at exactly what you wishto achieve. For example a lot of women want to add volume to the breasts, lift up the cleavage and make them look firmer/younger. By doing these things youwill eliminate the effects of sagging. One of the best bras that can achieve this is the padded push up bra.
The padded push up bra adds volume to the breasts making the breasts seem fuller, reducing the appearance of sagging.The padded push up bra then lifts the cleavage upwards eliminating the drooping effect and finally the bra pushes the breasts together, enhancing the cleavage and making the breasts look firmer.
Put altogether this bracan eliminate all the effects of sagging andgive you the cleavage you so desire. The effects are instant, painless and very cost effective when compared to other options, such as Cosmetic Surgery, breast enhancement herbs and breast exercises.
The last piece of advice that will be offered in this article is quality. There is no substitute for quality when it comes to getting the right bra. While a good quality bra will cost a small amount more than a poorer quality bra the investment will be well worth it. It will look better, be more comfortable and last longer in the long term.
There are numerous other factors to consider especially the different types of bras and what effectsthey will have on your cleavage and what options there are for different clothing/outfits.