Saturday, September 10, 2011

What you need to know about female condoms

Few days ago use of female contraception was very rare. But due to growing awareness about various kinds of STDs, women are regularly using condoms for girls and vagina condoms. The decision taken by them to utilize various female contraception measures has shown that they are also more responsible and mature.
But only using condom is not enough. Using condom in a proper and correct manner is very essential to achieve complete female contraception. There are various kinds of condoms for women available in
the market. It helps in maximizing pleasure while in same way minimizes the chances of pregnancy and contraceptive diseases. We are giving below some very simple but important tips, which will reduce the risk and also enhance the pleasure. The tips are as follows:-
  • One should be very careful while opening the packets. In many cases it has been seen that the users while trying to open the packet with the help of any scissor, knife or any pointed objects damage the condom for girls. Always keep in mind, never use any pointed object for opening the packet. Damaging the condom in any manner will make it completely useless. That’s why it’s always recommended to discard away those damaged condoms.
  • Always store the condoms in a cool and dry place. Heat and friction can drastically reduce the effectiveness of your condom. As the shape and size of the condom doesn’t change, many women are unable to find out that their condom has become ineffective. Also don’t store your condoms for a very long duration of time.
  • Always use the right and proper amount of condoms lubricants. Different condoms need different kinds of condoms lubricants. For e.g. Latex condoms are always used with water based lubricants. So before using any condoms lubricants find out whether it is compatible with that condom or not. Also use enough condom lubricants while using condom. Lack of lubrication can cause too much friction which can cause the condom to break during intercourse. This can also cause a lot of pain. Proper amount of lubricants while having intercourse is very necessary.
  • Always use a condom of the right size. Proper size of the condom is very necessary to get ultimate pleasure. For that always purchase condoms that correctly fits in your vagina. To find out your correct size refer to various sizing chart available in various websites of condom manufacturers.
Earlier many people while using various condoms used to complain about reduced sensation. They used to find these condoms to be great obstacle on their path to achieve complete satisfaction. That’s why for them various condom manufacturing companies have come up with various kind of ultra thin condoms such as lamb condoms, crown skinless skin condoms which guarantees maximum pleasure. There are also special kinds of gay condomsintroduced for particular section of the society.
Use of condom in a proper and correct manner is very essential to achieve complete female contraception. Many people while using various condoms used to complain about reduced sensation. They used to find these condoms to be great obstacle on their path to achieve complete satisfaction.

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